Archive for February, 2010


Straightforwardness: virtue in disguise

February 19, 2010

Many a times u stick out your tongue n make faces towards people who are a little more candid than u expect them to be. It’s because you don’t like being intrigued in your personal lives,choices , attitude and behaviour .  Well , grow up guys and girls …try being a little optimistic now onwards because “Being straightforward is thrice as profitable for you as it is 4 the person you are being straightforwrd to”.

The reason goes this way the person you are being straightforward to is profited as it makes him aware of his pros and cons and thus he gets a chance to improve himself. I suppose that is the only way it helps him and thus it is a single way profit for him.

Coming back to your Highnesses it is threefold profitable :-

1.It keeps you healthy 🙂 yes it does,take my words…it helps you vent your spleen and reduces all the tension that might otherwise build up and become cause of high BP and a hell lot of diseases.

2.It tells the other person how “you” want things  to be done ,whether right or wrong and he/she will have a clear picture of your likes and dislikes.If he/she is somebody under your authority or close to you they will keep it in mind the next time they repeat their conduct.

3. This one is really counting upon….He/she will return it the same way…i mean the next time you do something wrong or critical you will definitely receive criticism and you will know where you went wrong. Afterall there must be someway to know your negativities,helps improving perfectionism 🙂

So,now that you know how straightforwardness is a virtue in disguise…  Good Luck!!! but be sure to keep to your limits 🙂



The art of completeness

February 15, 2010

Evryday we beg to God for all sorts of stuff….n d ranges r quite extreme…sumtimes it’s d well being of our lvd ones ,a hell lot of times it is d demand 4 gud marks,a bttr relationship wid BF/GF,money,home,security,intelligence,peace of mind….n also in sum cases we pray to God to take back His gift of lyf………actually we have becum habitual of  eithr begging for completeness or blamiing Him for the incompleteness of our lives…

for a change let’s try thanking Him for the completeness in our lives

for filling the void of aloofness with a family n freinds who care for us,

for blessing us wid a normal brain,proper senses,n physical fitness,

for the education we received dat makes us comprehend dat is written here,

for the nourishment dat we received ,

for the sunshine,the atmosphere,ozone layer,

all insignificant things,discoveries n inventions which make ur lyf appear significant 2 sum1,

a beloved if any abt whom u can think in ur free tym,

n above all a clear conscience dat makes u sleep peacefully at night

The day we  realize dis completeness,i promise  we wud also b able to vividly see the completeness He has gifted us with…n dat my dear freinds is the biggest gift He has bestowed upon us!!!


Happy valentine’s day :Finally we r here!

February 13, 2010

A very happy valentine’s day to all my readers in advance…though they are quite few in number…though sum of u may b still waiting to approach ur wud b valentine,othrs wud already b ready wid exciting plans n all…….bt do remember make dis valentine’s day more special by wishing  evry1 dat has made ur lyf more significant n beautiful in any way…do wish evrybdy whom u hv lvd in any it ur family,ur frndz,ur pets(as d case mayb wid few of u) n ofcourse ur valentine…….it wud surely add to ur pleasure …..try making dis valentine’s day more special 4 ppl around u n ofcourse as evry action has an equal an opposite reaction sum positive vibes vl cum back 2 u…(for selfish ones:try seeing it as a gv n take deal)…so go out n make dis valentine’s day really happy 4 both u n all concerned wid u!!!


happy promise day

February 11, 2010

” The woods are lovely dark and deep,

but i have promises to keep,

and miles to go before i sleep,

and miles to go before i sleep”….

these lines from “Stopping by woods on a snowy evening” by “Robert Frost”       do really come handy today….

but in this busy life of yours how many of u have really taken out tym to reminisce  what is d exact count of the promises you have made in your life span (be it whatever)…and above all what is the count of the promises dat u have strictly kept………..

well,it’s nvr 2 late,so ladies and gentlemen today on this pious day of feb 11th take out jst a few minutes to recapsulate to whom and what promises have you made,it will surely be an achievement if u can come up with atleast one promise dat u have kept ,really,try giving it a try…

and for those who have never ever entered into such an agreement take dis day as a first chance to promise someone  a lifetime of care,support,freindship or any another emotion or pact u can think about………



happy teddy day

February 10, 2010

happy teddy day world!!!

for years we have been following this valentine week,jst to share,vouch n show our love 2 d special ones around us…as normal human beings are supposed to accept traditions widout questioning them especially if it does no harm to their emotions n them….but it is high tym folks…hv u evr pondered y feb10th is treated as Teddy Day while it cud hv more precisely been called Gift Day,is it the cudddly,spongy,frilly,red-hearted stuff dat makes it qualified enough 2 be a part of dis emotionally significant valentine week or is there sum real myth behind? if u hv any clue to dis question,kindly help me out…


happy chocolate day 2 all…

February 9, 2010

hello..all gorgeous ppl out dere…gv a kick start 2 d valentine’s week by sending chocolates away 2 ur near n dear ones,bt all u pretty n figure conscious ladies beAWARE…though it’s d lv u hv waiting 4 since ages…it’s 2354kJ/100gm dat matters 2…so bst of lck,njoy ur day


Hello world!

February 9, 2010

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